Lödl, M., Gaal-Haszler, S., Ronkay, G., Ronkay, L. & László, M. Gy. (2013): The Vartian Collection. Part II. Lasiocampoidea, Bombycoidea, Drepanoidea, Cossoidea, Zygaenoidea and Hepialoidea. Fibigeriana - Volume 2. - Heterocera Press, Budapest. 117 pp. ISBN 978-615-5279-02-7
The second volume of the series displaying the Vartian Collection
The Fibigeriana series of Heterocera Press is devoted to publish the taxonomically revised historical Lepidoptera collections preserved in museums.
The first volume of the Fibigeriana series (published in 2012) was devoted to introduce the impressively species-rich Noctuoidea material of the Vartian Collection.
The newly published second item of the series includes six smaller superfamilies of the traditional Macrolepidoptera: Lasiocampoidea, Bombycoidea, Drepanoidea, Cossoidea, Zygaenoidea and Hepialoidea.
The first, bilingual section of the book provides a general overview of the Vartian Collection harboured in the Natural History Museum, Vienna with colour photos giving back the atmosphere of the place, in addition the list of all taxa described from the Vartian Collection since 1995. The scientific part comprises the complete checklist of the taxa of the above-mentioned superfamilies preserved in the collection indicating also the numbers of the specimens in each taxon.
The most spectacular part of the book is the colour plate section in which all sensu lato “Bombycoid” taxa of the collection are displayed by life-size images in 72 colour plates. The entire book counts altogether 117 pages.
The second volume of the lepidopterological series Fibigeriana is an encyclopaedic overview of and identification guide to the old sense “Bombycoid” fauna of Western and Central Asia. It is recommended to all amateur and professional lepidopterists who are involved into maintenance and development of collections and study of the extreme diversity of the Near and Middle East Lepidoptera.
Price of the book: 63 EUR incl. VAT (5%), (+ postal and packaging cost).
Subscription discount: -10% (also valid for subscribers of The Witt Catalogue series)